USGA Virtual Rules Workshops​


Click here to view the 2025 Rules of Golf Workshops Schedule

USGA Virtual Workshop registration includes:

  • Two-hour daily webinars during your Monday-to-Friday active week.
  • Access to the Virtual Rules School video recordings.
  • Access to either the 100-Question or 80-Question Exam (either online on a date you select from the exam schedule or in-person on the morning of the 4th day at a PGA/USGA Workshop site).
  • Print copies of the Rules of Golf and the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf.
  • Fee is $375


If you are unable to attend the workshop for which you have registered, you may transfer to another open virtual workshop with available seats:

  • No charge: Prior to the start date of the workshop you are transferring from. This can be done online prior to the registration deadline. After the registration deadline, this can be done by calling 908-326-1850.
  • Due to the virtual nature of these workshops, you are unable to transfer after the workshop has begun.


If you need to withdraw from a workshop (and don’t wish to transfer), you can request a refund as follows:

  • $340 refund: If requested within two weeks of registration. This can be done online prior to the registration deadline. After the registration deadline, this can be done by calling 908-326-1850.
  • $187.50 refund: If requested after two weeks of registration, and prior to the 1st day of the workshop. This can be done online prior to the registration deadline. After the registration deadline, this can be done by calling 908-326-1850.

Study Materials

The study materials available for this workshop include:

  • Virtual Rules School video recordings – These videos contain nearly 20 hours of content and should be your main study and learning material for a USGA Virtual Workshop. To maximize your learning experience we strongly encourage you to go through all of the recorded content prior to your workshop week
  • Rules 101 ( This completely free, online course will take you through the basics of the playing Rules with approximately 4-6 hours of content.
  • The Rules of Golf, effective January 2023 – This is the primary Rules resource for officials. It contains all the playing Rules and definitions of terms used throughout the Rules. It includes numerous explanatory images and diagrams.
  • The Official Guide to the Rules of Golf, effective January 2023 – This is a resource that contains information to support committees and officials that supplements the Rules of Golf. It includes: 1) the Rules of Golf, 2) Interpretations that provide guidance in the understanding of terminology and the application of Rules, 3) Committee and administrative procedures, 4) a library of Model Local Rules, 5) information on establishing the terms of the competition, and 6) the Modified Rules of Golf for Players with Disabilities.
  • Resources on the USGA Rules Hub ( – The USGA Rules Hub website has an array of videos, infographics, papers, charts, answers to FAQs, Rules Quizzes, and much more.
  • – a website created by Rules expert Dr. Lewis Blakey. It contains essays on a variety of Rules topics, study aids, Rules quizzes and more. It is available at

USGA Virtual Workshops Schedule

Date/Time Event Available Seats
March 10, 2025-March 14, 2025
2:00 pm-4:00 pm
25203 USGA Virtual Workshop - 2:00 PM ET
USGA Instructors: Kelsey Solan and Jay Roberts
11 seats available
March 24, 2025-March 28, 2025
4:00 pm-6:00 pm
25205 USGA Seminario de Reglas Virtual - 4:00 PM ET
USGA Instructors: Francisco Rivera and Delia Nava
73 seats available
April 14, 2025-April 18, 2025
3:00 pm-5:00 pm
25204 USGA Virtual Workshop - 3:00 PM ET
USGA Instructors: Ryan Farb and Jamie Wallace
43 seats available
If you have any questions about USGA Virtual Workshops, please feel free to reach out to us any time:
Phone: (908) 326-1850
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