Rules 101 - How to Use (Coach)
See the below steps for how to use the Rules 101 – Team Edition course as a coach. This page will take you all the way from registering and purchasing the course, to inviting your players, to checking on their individual progress through the course.
Here is the link to the Coach course page –
Step 1 – Click the link above and then click the green Login/Register button. Follow the prompts to create your new account. If you already have a USGA Rules account, you can simply login.

Step 2 – After logging in, you will return to the Rules 101 – Team Edition page. Click the green Add to Cart button and then follow the prompts to complete checkout and pay the $15 fee for your team.
Step 3 – After completing your purchase, click the green button to return to the Rules 101 – Team Edition course page. Then click on the blue Manage Course button.

Step 4 – You are now within the Course Management interface. Here are the three options you have on this page:
- Course Preview – Clicking here will let you preview the content of the course your students will be taking.
- Grade Center – This is where you can check on the progress that individual students have made through the Rules 101 course.
- Learner Management – This should be your first stop, and is where you will invite your players to the course.
Click on Learner Management option.

Step 5 – Click on Add New Accounts button, and then follow the prompts to enter the names and email addresses of your players.
Once you enter your players’ info and click the Add These Learners button, they will receive an invitation email with a link to take this course.
NOTE – If you would like to take the course yourself, please add your own name and email address as an invitee. You will receive an email and can register using the same account you created in Step 1. You can be both a coach and a player.

Step 6 – To check the progress of your players, simply click on the blue Login/Register button at the top right of this page to login. Navigate to the Rule 101 – Team Edition course page, and then click the blue Manage Course button.
You are now back in the Course Management interface (screenshot in Step 4 above). Click the Grade Center option to see the progress of all of your players.
Other Items to Note:
- You can return to your account any time. Once logged in, you can hover your mouse over the profile button (“Hello, Your Name“) and click on My Account. The Courses tab here is another way to access the course (as either a coach or a player).
- When you purchase the course, you have access to invite 20 learners. If you need to invite additional learners, you can purchase the course a second time.
If you still have questions that were not answered above, you can contact the USGA Rules Department at or 908-326-1850.